
How to Close Your Prospect in MLM?

Helping your prospect make a decision!

Closing a Prospect
Funnel with Closing

Closing is helping your prospect sign up. In closing, you are helping your prospect make a decision by asking the right questions after the presentation. When they sign up, help them get started the right way!

By asking the right questions. You need to ask them things that will guide them to make that change in their life.

Closing is making sure that your business is able to answer the problems you found during your prospecting.

Tips on Closing

Here's some professional tips on closing:

  1. Be emotionally detached from the outcome
  2. Assume a YES!
  3. Sell yourself and your vision
  4. Be prepared
  5. Be a consultant, not a sales person

Popular Closing Techniques

Here's some popular closing techniques that works:

  1. Option Close
  2. Benjamin Franklin Close
  3. Hot Button Close
  4. Order Sheet Close
  5. Demonstration Close

Option Close
Benjamin Franklin Close
Benjamin Franklin Close

Benjamin Franklin Close is a very popular technique that involves visual comparison.

You get a piece of paper, right a vertical line at the middle of the paper. And compare the options between the left and the right.

In the example shown, you are comparing between joining NOW vs LATER

You can obviously see the benefits of joining NOW than later.

Hot Button Close
Order Sheet Close

This type of closing technique is very useful especially when the prospect does not want to buy enrolment packs.

Instead, they want to buy and choose the product they like.

To help them solve this, you need to get the order form, let them choose the product they want and you help them calculate the total amount.

Demonstration Close